Situated in the splendid region of Tuscany, Bolgheri is a small village that has gained worldwide renown thanks to the production of fine wines with the DOC Bolgheri designation. But what lies behind the name of this enchanting village? The origins of the name “Bolgheri” are fascinating and reflect the rich history and culture of the area.

The name “Bolgheri” likely derives from the Lombard term “bulgara,” which means “ravine” or “channel.” This term could refer to the shape of the land, characterized by gentle hills descending towards the plain and the sea, creating natural valleys and channels. Another less credited but still interesting hypothesis links the name to the presence of Bulgarian populations who settled in this area during the migrations of the Middle Ages. However, the Lombard derivation appears to be the most plausible and widely accepted by scholars.

The Lombard origin of the name testifies to the ancient history and cultural influences that have shaped Bolgheri. During the Middle Ages, this region was crossed by important communication routes and dominated by various noble families, enriching its architectural and cultural heritage. The village of Bolgheri is also famous for its connection to the poet Giosuè Carducci, who immortalized the picturesque avenue of cypress trees leading to the village in his poem “Davanti San Guido.”

The choice of the name Bolgheri for the DOC designation is not only a tribute to the history of the village but also a recognition of the unique quality of the wines produced in this area. Thanks to the favorable microclimate and mineral-rich soils, Bolgheri’s vineyards produce wines of extraordinary complexity and refinement. The success of Bolgheri wines began in the 1970s when some local producers decided to experiment with international grape varieties such as Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot, achieving exceptional results.

Oggi Bolgheri è sinonimo di eccellenza enologica e il suo nome è conosciuto in tutto il mondo. La denominazione DOC Bolgheri rappresenta un sigillo di qualità che attira appassionati e intenditori da ogni angolo del globo, desiderosi di assaporare i vini di questa straordinaria terra. Il piccolo borgo toscano, dal nome dal fascino antico, continua a raccontare una storia di tradizione, passione e innovazione nel mondo del vino.

We remind you that regarding the accommodation options in our areas you can contact our facilities Agriturismo Podere Cafaggio & Mia Margot Suite Apartment.

Included in the stay you will have a visit with tasting in the family estate: Tenuta Di Vaira.